Pyramid of Animalsconsists of the life-size sculpture of four taxidermy animals, arranged atop of one another – a horse, a dog, a cat and a rooster, a video and the artist’s statement. Sculpture dimensions: 220 x 190 x 120 cm; single channel video projection (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, length: 46’49”, audio; text: A4 paper. Black and white photograph presenting Pyramid of Animals during the graduation exhibition at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, 1993, print on Baryta paper, 50 x 41.5 cm. Photography by Jacek Gladykowski
《动物金字塔》1993年的装置,录像和艺术家的声明。装置包括一实物大小的雕塑 (由四件动物标本组成,一件叠放于另一件之上——一匹马,一条狗,一只猫和一只公鸡),一份录像,和艺术家的声明。雕塑尺寸:220 x 190 x 120厘米;单频道录像放映(彩色),循环播放,4:3 PAL制式,46’49”,音频;文本:A4纸。 摄影:Jacek Gladykowski