Organizer: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

Artist: Xiao Ribao

Opening reception: 16:00, August 30, 2019

Artist talk: 15:00, September 1, 2019

Darkroom workshop: September 20, 2019

Duration: August 30 – September 29, 2019 (10:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays)

Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

 (155A Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015)


Three Shadows Photography Art Centre is delighted to present the Xiao Ribao photography exhibition:“Wandering” The concept of “Wandering” in Chinese evokes traveling between different times and dimensions, a way of living in which personal emotions produce an uncertain sense of belonging. Xiao Ribao is a wanderer, his past experience as a “Beijing drifter” shaping hissense of existence and profoundly informing his photography. Originally from Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, he beagn to study darkroom at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2000 and is also one of the foremost darkroom experts in the country. He brings a keen sense to his work that everything contained in a photo, while offering a glimpse into his own core, is only but a brief shaft of light, its momentary existence suspended by the film. This exhibition represents the tension in Xiao’s thinking about the human spirit.


This exhibition consists five different parts: "The Mountain in Mist", "Returning", "The Snow on the Mountain", "Three Frogs" and "Untitled" inspired by the idea driving Chinese landscape painting -- that portrayals of objects can express one’s emotions – Xiao created many of these works while hiking in the mountains or alongside rivers. These photos internally connect to Xiao’sever lasting longing for a sense of belongings. Xiao used birds and frogs asmetaphors to urge human beings to establish spiritual order out of the disorder of nature.


In many ways, Xiao establishes his work in the spiritual realm of some ancientpoems like the anatta (“self=unconsciousness”). “Winter waves shimmer, hundreds of birds hovering down gently,” writes Haowen Yuan. Or look towards Yanji Feng:“My tearful eyes ask flowers but they fail to bring an answer, I see red blooms over the swing.”In his work, Xiao utilizes his meticulous knowledge of black-and-white darkroom techniques, combing the Taoist "inaction" methodology to probe the relationship between nature, society and human beings.Through the spiritual practice of black-and-white photography, he constructs a subjective world containing contrasts between "self and non-self.”"real and non-real.” "illusion and existence” and Yin and Yang. His process hints at the underlying law of nature.