The concept of a curator has been continually constructed and updated in recent years, enriching and deepening the content carried by "curation". Outstanding curators for photography and moving images explore the possibilities, complexities, and uniqueness of this filed, while also needing to possess innovative curatorial narratives, as well as a forward-thinking, independent, and academic awareness of key issues. The Jimei x Arles Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image will continue to contribute to the cultivation of excellent Chinese curators for photography and moving image, encouraging and supporting the participation of more young curators by providing them with fertile ground and a platform for practice.


The 2024 Jimei x Arles Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image is now open for submissions from curators and researchers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. The details are as follows:


Deadline for Submitting Your Proposal:

31 August, 2024, at 12:00 PM (GMT+8)


Who Can Participate:

  • The exhibition proposal must be primarily composed of photography, moving images, or related installation works and cannot have been publicly exhibited in the past;
  • Individual curators or curatorial teams (no more than 2 people) from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
  • Curators of all ages are welcome, especially those at the early stages of their careers.


What Should Be Included in the Proposal:

  • Curatorial proposal (Chinese and English):
- Exhibition title and concept (500 Chinese characters/English words)
- Exhibition texts and reference documents
- Proposed artist list, artwork list, and descriptions
  • Proposal implementation schedule
  • Proposed scholarly events and/or public programmes
  • Budget
  • 1-2 examples of past exhibitions or art criticism
  • Curator(s) bio(s), a description of the curatorial group (if applicable), card copy(ies) of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan ID card(s), and contact information (mailing address and phone number)


* Any other supplementary materials which can help to present or understand the proposal are welcome.

* The total size of the above application materials should not exceed 100MB.

* Proposed design for the exhibition space (approx. 200 square meters) will be requested if the candidate is selected as the winner. Visit to download floor plan  for the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (Beijing)


How to Submit Your Proposal:

Send your submission via email to before 12:00 noon on 31 August 2024.

* Please use “2024 Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image + Your Name” as the email subject line. 


When and How Will Your Proposal Be Evaluated:

  • First Round (from 1 to 10 September, 2024): Ten proposals will be shortlisted by the Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image Committee;
  • Second Round (mid-September, 2024): The curators or curatorial groups of those ten proposals will be invited to Beijing for a workshop and evaluation event. The Award Jury will vote to select five finalist proposals to be displayed at the 2024 Jimei x Arles Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image Finalist Exhibition.
  • Final Round and Award Ceremony (tentatively from November 29 to December 1, 2024): The ultimate winner will be announced during the opening week of the Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival.


What Support You May Get:

The Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image will:

  • Arrange curators/curatorial groups of the shortlisted proposals to join the workshop and evaluation event and reimburse relevant travel expenses.
  • Invite finalist curators/curatorial group to present their proposals at 2024 Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival.
  • Provide a cash prize of 100,000 RMB (pre-tax) for the winning curator/curatorial group.
  • Support the winning curator/curatorial group to hold exhibitions in Beijing (at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre) and in other selected city in China or overseas in 2025.
  • Invite finalist curators to participate in the " Jimei x Arles Curatorial Proposal Review" offline workshop.
  • Offer free access to the online “ Jimei x Arles Curatorial Master Courses " for all participating and contributing curators (including previous participants).
  • Fund the academic visits and exchanges, or organize online research and exchange activities for the winning curator/curatorial group.






Important Information:

Please read the submission rules carefully. Proposals that do not meet the stated requirements or fail to provide the requested materials will not be considered.


The artworks chosen for the proposals must be technologically safe and operable for the entirety of the three-month exhibition period. The artworks must be able to withstand international travel and shipping, and meet national fire prevention and safety standards for public spaces.


In order to present the best possible exhibition, we hope that all curators or curatorial groups will exemplify creativity and a cooperative spirit, have excellent execution capabilities and a strong sense of responsibility. If the winning curator or curatorial group fails to abide by the host institution’s management rules or is unable to complete exhibition set-up on schedule, the Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image Committee has the right to revoke any Award prizes.



Based on national laws and regulations, individuals or groups who submit their proposals to the Award are viewed to have made the following irrevocable copyright statement regarding the submitted proposal:

  • The submitted proposal is an original creation of the submitter, and does not infringe upon another party’s rights, including but not limited to, copyrights, portrait rights, trademarks, or any other intellectual property rights. The proposal has not, in any form, appeared in another exhibition or commercial venue. Any violation of these terms may result in the Award Committee removing the proposal from consideration, or rescinding finalist or winner status, and the Award Committee reserves the right to pursue legal action.
  • Proposals must consider China’s overall values and circumstances, and must not violate any laws or regulations.
  • The submitters retain full copyright of submitted proposals. The exhibition and publication rights are shared by the Curatorial Award for Photography and Moving Image and the submitters.
  • The Three Shadows Photography Art Centre website ( and official WeChat and Weibo accounts are the designated platforms for information regarding the Award.
  • Three Shadows Photography Art Centre and CHANEL reserve the right to exhibit and publicise all of the winning and finalist proposals.


*The organiser reserves the final right of interpretation for all matters related to the Award.