Untitled, from No Day series, 2002-2015. Courtesy of the artist.
Untitled, from No Day series, 2002-2015. Courtesy of the artist.
Pauline Fargue is a performer, video artist, and sculptor whose diverse forms of expression are united by photography.For twelve years she has been arranging her photos in notebooks (diaries, philosophical journals, archives) examining all aspects of her life: familial, romantic, social.These are store house notebooks where she stocks words, encounters, stories, the photographs that she folds, glues, cuts, reoccurring tirelessly over the pages. Pauline Fargue now reveals this personal archive to the public for the very first time, creating an original installation for the Rencontresd’ Arles.
Fannie Escoulen
How can we inhabit a landscape now that the visible is merely virtual and our bodies are endlessly excluded? That is the question that haunts my installations (video/sound/sculpture/performance), through which the spectator experiences immersion in image. This seeking has its source in an unusual photographic practice. For fifteen years I have been manipulating images, always using identical notebooks. Eight thousand pages on which photo and graphics interpenetrate, where photography becomes a material to work, cut, fold, traverse. At once journal, archive, and collective adventure, these notebooks bear witness to an unending work process in which the banal engenders the bizarre, where chance alternates with ritual and partakes of an underground temporality, a perpetual present. No Day, the title of this practice as well as of all my photographs, comes from Pliny the Elder —Nulla dies sinelinea—who attributesit to Apelles, the classical Greek painter who let no day pass without drawing a line. Here the line is the tiny daily sentence, the stroke that crosses it out, the threshold of the landscape, the fold of the image, the tie that binds us: time.
Pauline Fargue
With support from Figaro Magazine.
Prints by Atelier Sunghee Lee, Arles.
Framing by Circad, Paris.
Fannie Escoulenis a 2000 graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographied’ Arles and an independent exhibition curator. Shewasassociate director of LE BAL, Paris, fromit screation in 2007 through 2014 and isparticularly proud of curating Antoine d’ Agata’s Anticorps exhibition, presented at the La Haye Foto museum in 2012 and at LE BAL in Paris and Forma in Milan in 2013.
Sheiscurrently preparing an essay on the photographer Anne-Marie Filaire as well as a projecton Spain’s new photographic scene. She is a lsoartistic director of the Prix Levallois for new photographic talent worldwide.
Portrait: Julien Magre.
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