Alison Chen, A Hole to the Water, 2022. Archival inkjet print with vintage photograph overlay, 50 × 60 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
Alison Chen, If She Could Speak, She Would Sing, 2023. HD video projection on top of vintage photograph. Courtesy of the artist.
Alison Chen, I Hope You Feel the Sun on Your Wings, 2024. Video installation on wooden structure, 180 × 110 × 94 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
Alison Chen, In Great Grandmother's Vest, 2023. Layered archival inkjet prints, 40 × 50 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
Alison Chen, Many Moons, 2020. Archival inkjet print, 40 × 55 cm. Courtesy of the artist.
Alison Chen, Over Her Shoulder/Over My Shoulder, 2022. Archival inkjet print/C-print, 76 × 101 cm/12 × 17 cm. Courtesy of the artist.