• JOURNEY TO THE CENTER Journey to the Center is a series that borrows the atmosphere and structure of the Jules...


    Journey to the Center is a series that borrows the atmosphere and structure of the Jules Verne book Journey to the Center of the Earth to present the Central America migration route across Mexico as a heroic and daring journey rather than a runaway.

    In this version of the journey, the starting point is Tapachula, the Southern border of Mexico with Guatemala, and the journey ends in Felicity, a small town in California that is the officially “Center of the World”. The absurdity of this landmark, from where you can see the border fence, just adds a layer of dystopic disappointment and becomes the perfect colophon for a contemporary version of a heroic jest, where the final destination is little less than a roadside touristic attraction.

    With a language that combines straight documentary photography with constructed images and archival material, the narrative becomes multi-layered in order to complete the simplistic approach that media and official reports provide of the complex phenomenon that migration is.

    Cristina De Middel


  • ARTIST:Cristina De Middel Born 1975 in Alicante, Spain. Lives and works in Brazil. After ten years as a photojournalist, Cristina...
     Portrait of Cristina De Middel ©Nani Gutiérrez
    ARTISTCristina De Middel
    Born 1975 in Alicante, Spain.
    Lives and works in Brazil.
    After ten years as a photojournalist, Cristina De Middel shifted her practice to a more conceptual approach in order to question the documentary value of photography. In 2012, she produced the acclaimed series The Afronauts, triggering a decade of work around the role of photography in creating stereotypes. Besides her prolific career as an author, and as an active member of the photography community, Cristina has been invited to curate festivals like Lagos Photo, PhotoEspaña, and San José Photo in Uruguay. She has published more than fourteen photobooks and her work is constantly on show in different institutions and venues. Cristina is on the board of Vist Projects, a platform to support Latin American visual story-telling, and she is a member of Magnum Photos agency and its president since 2022.
  • Cristina De Middel. Back Again [Volver Volver], Journey to the Center series, 2021. Courtesy of the artist/Magnum Photos.
  • Cristina De Middel. Traveling Cloud [Nube Viajera], Journey to the Center series, 2021. Courtesy of the artist/Magnum Photos.
  • Cristina De Middel. The One That Left [La que se Fue], Journey to the Center series, 2021. Courtesy of the artist/Magnum Photos.
  • Cristina De Middel. An Obstacle in the Way [Una Piedra en el Camino], Journey to the Center series, 2021. Courtesy of the artist/Magnum Photos.