Walker Evans: American Photographs-books on books
INTRO Errata Editions' Books on Books series is an ongoing publishing project dedicated to making rare and out-of-print photography books accessible to students and photobook enthusiasts. These are not reprints... -
Wounded Cities
intro One week before September 11, 2001, Leo Rubinfien, his wife and small children moved into a new apartment next door to the World Trade Center in New York. They... -
Photography and Cinema
INTRO What did the arrival of cinema do for photography? How did the moving image change our relation to the still image? Why have cinema and photography been so drawn... -
Portraits d'auteurs
INTRO Dans cet ouvrage paru aux Editions Télémaque, quarante auteurs français et étrangers ont adopté la posture de leur personnage de fiction favori devant l'objectif de Stéphane Haskell et expliquent... -
INTRO Nina Berman was one of the first photographers in the US to turn her lens towards her own country, whilst all eyes were on Iraq. She was awarded international... -
INTRO FINALIST - ForeWord Magazine, BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDS 2008. There is an instant when every photographer peers through the viewfinder and recognizes basic subject matter, but the nuances... -
Being Human: Enigmatic Images Of People By Unknown Photographers
INTRO Nonymous photography has a magic all of its own. The intriguing images assembled here by collector and curator Robert Flynn Johnson are all mysterious, but their appeal is undeniable.... -
Female Trouble
INTRO Since the invention of photography almost 170 years ago, it has been primarily women who have used this technical medium to project themselves through role-playing and masquerading. Besides the... -
Proust Et La Photographie
INTRO Peu de livres, même parmi ceux que l’on n’arrête pas de lire, ont la chance de bénéficier d’une édition totalement repensée, pour le contenu comme pour la forme. Si,... -
Proust Et La Photographie
INTRO Peu de livres, même parmi ceux que l’on n’arrête pas de lire, ont la chance de bénéficier d’une édition totalement repensée, pour le contenu comme pour la forme. Si,... -
21 Reportagen
INTRO In “21 Reportagen” kommen ProtagonistInnen der “Österreichischen Fotografie” zu Wort — und ins Bild. Was hier zählt, sind die spannenden und sehr divergierenden Künstlerpersönlichkeiten, die üblicherweise hinter ihrem Werk... -
Exchange - Portraits with Artists
INTRO Portraits have long been a vehicle for showing the values and social class of their subjects, from Old Master portraits like van Eyk's famous Arnolfini Wedding to the August... -
Customs Ignored: Lithuanian and Australian Photography
INTRO Customs Ignored: Lithuanian and Australian Photography, is a book from Lithuanian photographer, curator and publisher Mindaugas Kavaliauskas. The book showcases the work of nine Australian and nine Lithuanian photographers... -
Michael Schmelling: The Plan
INTRO Between 2003 and 2005, Michael Schmelling photographed 12 private residences in the company of Disaster Masters, a New York-based company specializing in cleaning up homes and counseling compulsive hoarders.... -
Explorations Narratives Replaying Narrative Le Mois De La Photo A Montreal 2007
INTRO 17:Last October, Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal celebrated its 10th incarnation with an opening night bash in the recently renovated Video Rooms, located in the working-class neighbourhood... -
Don't Smile Now: ..Save It For Later
INTRO Shows the views from several London photo booths. By using a mirror, keeping the curtain open and paying the necessary £4, the booth takes a Polaroid of its own... -
INTRO 'Images of energy and inertia, progress and peril. American Youth is more than 100 pages of paradox.'--Washington Post American Youth examines through vivid photographs the newest generation of 18... -
Revoir Henri Cartier-Bresson
INTRO Le centenaire de la naissance d’Henri Cartier-Bresson (né en 1908) est l’occasion de porter un regard nouveau sur son oeuvre. Cet ouvrage a pour double objectif de s’interroger sur... -
ディス?デイ「希望の一日」INTRO 2009年1月20日―オバマが米大統領に就任した日、世界79ヵ国、132人の写真家たちに“HOPE”をテーマに撮影を依頼。危機の時代にこそ全ての人に届けたい、「希望の欠片」を集めた一大プロジェクト。 クーリエ?ジャポン編集部. THIS DAY OF CHANGE. 講談社, 2009. ISBN: 9784062154420 -
INTRO Theo Niekus, one of Holland’s great street photographers and author of “Damrak” and “Passengers” began publishing “Report” in 2009. This magazine format monograph is a vibrant collection of street... -
il Parco / The Park
INTRO Italian photographer and psychotherapist Marina Ballo Charmet's captures the parks of such cities as Milan, London, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Madrid, Lisbon, Palermo and New York. The images featured... -
INTRO Seit drei Wochen verbringe ich wieder jeden Freitagnachmittag in meinem Schauraum und nütze die Zeit zum Blogschreiben. Während ich darüber nachdenke, ob ich zum Hund mit rosa Bein von... -
Le Travail Révélé
INTRO Qu’est donc devenu le travail ? Plus que jamais, le travail se trouve au centre des débats politiques, économiques et sociaux. Dimension incontournable de la vie des individus, il... -
Levées De Corps
INTRO Pendant une année à Genève, le photographe Steeve Iuncker et le journaliste Thierry Mertenat ont suivi le travail des préposés à la levée de corps des personnes décédées dans... -
Couleurs De Chine
INTRO Tout un pays à découvrir au travers d'un prisme inédit : celui des couleurs. Voici donc, cachés au cœur de la Chine de la pauvreté, du CO2 et du... -
Bertrand Fleuret: Landmasses And Railways
INTRO A photograph of an image of a woman with a triangular slice where her eyes should be, a two-page aerial shot of a forest, a train coming straight at... -
Luigi Ghirri: It's Beautiful Here, Isn't It...
INTRO Luigi Ghirri was an extraordinary photographer, as well as a writer and curator whose career was so rich and varied that it seems like a lesson in the contemporary... -
Zadar 1991. La Guerra All'improvviso
INTRO 'Ci sono ricordi che sono come stanze abbandonate di una casa ancora viva. Abitano la memoria nonostante la loro porta chiusa. Non serve a nulla evitarli, girarci intorno, fingere... -
Leigh Ledare: Pretend You're Actually Alive
INTRO First edition, first printing. Soft cover. Printed white wrappers, no dust jacket as issued, contained in a photographically illustrated cardboard slipcase. Photographs, facsimile texts and video stills by Leigh... -
Doug Dubois: All The Days And Nights
INTRO All the Days and Nights, the artist’s first and long-awaited monograph, resonates with diaristic immediacy, offering a potent examination of family relations under stress and what it means to... -
INTRO Globalization has progressed during the past twenty years, with countries and cultures converging. This makes it virtually impossible to identify the “Western world” in any geographic sense. Is the... -
click doubleclick-Das dokumentarische Moment
INTRO Über diese Ausstellungskatalog Hrsg. von Thomas Weski, München Mit Texten von Jean-Francois Chevrier, Paris; Johan de Vos, Antwerpen. Erschienen im Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2006 click doubleclick-Das dokumentarische... -
The Photographs of Homer Page-the Guggenheim Year : New York, 1949-50
INTRO This stunning volume represents a major photo-historical discovery: it is the first book on Homer Page (1918-1985), a brilliant but overlooked photographer active in the late 1940s and 50s.... -
Giorgio Morandi's Studio
INTRO This is a superb photographic document of celebrated artist Giorgio Morandi's studio relocation. Giorgio Morandi (1890-1964), was a celebrated Italian artist and master engraver who often focused his artistic... -
INTRO According to Magnum photographer Eugene Richards, American-born, Paris-based photographer Jerry Berndt 'goes somewhere and makes you feel what it felt like, not just what it looked like.' Over the... -
Walker Evans and the Picture Postcard
INTRO The American postcard came of age around 1907, when postal deregulations allowed correspondence to be written on the address side of the card. By 1914, the craze for picture... -
Atget: Photographe De Paris
INTRO Errata Editions' Books on Books series is an ongoing publishing project dedicated to making rare and out-of-print photography books accessible to students and photobook enthusiasts. These are not reprints... -
Sophie Ristelhueber: Fait
INTRO Errata Editions' Books on Books series is an ongoing publishing project dedicated to making rare and out-of-print photography books accessible to students and photobook enthusiasts. These are not reprints... -
Chris Killip: In Flagrante
INTRO In Chris Killip’s photograph Two Girls, Grangetown, Middlesborough, Teeside, 1976, two youngsters sit on a curb, chatting; the sky is heavy and grey, and the smoke pouring from a... -
INTRO En los años cincuenta, Català,-Roca viajó sin descanso por España. A lomos de su vespa, descubrió un país antiguo, que empezaba a desperezarse. Durante más de veinte años, su... -
INTRO Klara Beck /Zoo In his famous essay Why Look at Animals? John Berger describes the zoo as a monument to the impossibility of an encounter between human and animal.... -
Paul Burty Haviland / Photographe
INTRO The heir of a wealthy American family and the son of a French mother, Paul Burty Haviland studies in Paris as well as New York where he lives the... -
Martin Bogren: Ocean
INTRO dians by the sea - for the first time after a 1000 mile trip on the bus. Great black and white photos in a small and beautiful production. For... -
Raymond Depardon: Manhattan Out
INTRO Acclaimed French photographer, filmmaker and journalist Raymond Depardon arrived in New York in the winter of 1980. He came to visit a friend who had just taken a job... -
In A Very English Town
INTRO John Comino-James has photographed the streets, shops and shopkeepers of the Oxfordshire town of Thame. His portraits and interviews are collected in new book In a Very English Town,... -
Jetlag And Alkohol
INTRO The New York City described by Morten Andersen in Jetlag and Alcohol is brutal, tragic, funny, filthy, and beautiful from the inside out, which is how Andersen experiences it,... -
Noir d'y voir
INTRO Vous trouverez dans ces pages succinctes un aperçu des activités de l'atelier ainsi que quelques extraits de travaux personnels. ATTENTION: notre capacité maximale de clientèle étant atteinte, nous n'acceptons... -
Die Mauer, Berlin 1961
INTRO Léon Herschtritt,法国摄影师,1936年出生于巴黎,其作品关注政治、社会及生活。年仅24岁时便以纪实摄影集《来自阿尔及利亚的男孩》获得法国摄影尼普斯奖(prix Niepce),后开始为法国的一些报刊供稿,1962年起成为独立新闻摄影师,作品在全球50多个国家的报刊杂志上刊出, 官方网站:http://leonherschtritt.com。 Léon Herschtritt. Die Mauer, Berlin 1961 . La collection (éditions), 2009. ISBN:9782953452204 -
Henri Salesse / enquetes photographiques Rouen, 1951 et Petit-Quevilly, 1952
INTRO Henri Salesse (1914-2006), qui y est employé en tant que photographe, sillonne les territoires de Normandie et d'Ile-de-France entre 1951 et 1953. Il en rapporte des images poignantes sur... -
Skate Generation
INTRO Skate Generation documents and tells the story of an alternative generation. Igor Ponti describes a way of live experienced in first person. Narrative appears on the page opposite the... -
Quand La Lumiere Tient La Plume
INTRO Photographe et réalisateur de cinéma, Michel Dieuzaide rassemble dans ce livre une sélection de photographies faites au cours de ses voyages proches ou lointains. A ce regard sensible sur... -
Maurice Broomfield - Photographs
INTRO Maurice Broomfield: Photographer who documented British industry from the 1950s to the 1970s Maurice Broomfield was a photographer whose work documenting the inner landscape of industrial Britain from the... -
Israel Borderline
INTRO Israel is a country that exists in a paradox of being under constant media attention while remaining a widely unknown, almost enigmatic society. Shaped by sixty years of war... -
INTRO Photographer Robert Lebeck was interested not only in 'the event' in and of itself, but also in the stories on the fringes and the people behind the images. Lebeck... -
Hiroh Kikai:Asakusa portraits
INTRO The Asakusa quarter of Tokyo has a shady past--it was the home of some of Japan's most notorious pleasure palaces. Today it embraces this history by remaining a steadfast... -
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
INTRO Manuel Alvarez Bravo was one of the foremost practitioners of visual arts in the twentieth century. Manuel Alvarez Bravo the first major retrospective of his eighty-year career showcases hundreds... -
Emmet Gowin: Photographs
INTRO Following his marriage to Edith Morris in 1964, Virginia photographer Emmet Gowin began to make portraits of his wife and extended family in and around his rural hometown of... -
The Disciples
INTRO James Mollison's stunning panoramic portraits of pop concert fans emulating their idols are collected in this addictive volume. Represented bands and stars include Madonna, Marilyn Manson, P. Diddy, the... -
INTRO Hijacked brings together, for the first time, an uncompromising movement of international cultural exchange - presenting the most diverse and provocative new photography from Australia and America. Mark McPherson... -
Useful Photography
INTRO Pornographic websites introduce to the viewer countless different stories, although the scenarios which unfold are invariably the same. Useful Photography #008 features a collection of stills taken from opening... -
Dress Codes: The Third ICP Triennial of Photography and Video
INTRO Every three years, New York's International Center of Photography (ICP) presents a global survey of the most exciting and challenging new work in photography and video-the only recurrent U.S.... -
TV:Mathieu Bernard-Reymond
INTRO Switzerland-based French artist Mathieu Bernard-Reymond presents his TV series in this focused monograph of digital photographs. His eerie nocturnal images capture houses and buildings whose windows have been replaced... -
The Corinthians: A Kodachrome Slideshow
INTRO In The Corinthians, curators Ed Jones and Timothy Prus present more than 200 slides taken with Kodachrome film. The images in this collective visual portrait describe the new prosperity... -
a chi va per favole nei pioppeti
INTRO Piccolo, sì. Come una nota di nebbia su un rigo orizzontale. Uno spartito acquoso e in movimento come un cantastorie inzuppato di umori e segreti. Lo diceva, Giovannino: il... -
So, How Do You Think You're Doing?
INTRO Strands collection of photographic novelettes are driven by the thoughts and desires of the chief figure, the photographer herself. Particular to her approach is the incorporation of textual coaching... -
INTRO In an abandoned house in Calabria (Italy) photographer Petra Stavast found old pictures and letters. She started to search for the people on these pictures and reconstructed the story... -
Before Elvis There Was Nothing
INTRO Fifty years after Robert Frank’s The Americans, the German photographer André Lützen sets off on his own odyssey through everyday life in America. His road trip takes us from... -
In The Kitchen
INTRO 'In the Kitchen explores family life, youth culture, and coming of age. . . . The kitchen is the place in the house where our daily dramas are enacted.... -
INTRO First edition, first printing. Hardcover. Photographically illustrated paper-covered boards; no dust jacket as issued. Photographs by Martin Parr. Text by Susie Parr. Unpaginated (64 pp.), with four-color plates throughout.... -
Love Me Turkmenistan
INTRO Saparmurat Niyazov, President of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic of Turkmenistan, died early on 21st December 2006 in a strange new world of his own creation. His official title,...